
  • CBD and Meditation - by Dr. Sears CBD and Meditation - by Dr. Sears

    CBD and Meditation - by Dr. Sears
    For decades, meditation has been touted to help with a variety of health parameters, but for the past year, it seems our immune system and anxiety have been what many of us are worried about.  So, I thought I’d take a quick dive into how meditation can help in both areas.  An interesting study from 2016 reviewed dozens of other studies on the effects of meditation on the immune system and found some very interesting results.  This study found several...
    For decades, meditation has been touted to help with a variety of health parameters, but for the past year, it seems our immune system and anxiety have been what many of us are worried about.  So, I thought I’d take a quick dive into how meditation can help in both areas.  An interesting study from 2016 reviewed dozens of other studies on the effects of meditation on the immune system and found some very interesting results.  This study found several...

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  • New ways to use New ways to use

    New ways to use
    I’m always on the lookout for new ways to use CBD to help my patients, but this latest method was inspired by a family member in need.  This week, my mom celebrated her 76th birthday, but it also marked the end of her radiation therapy for breast cancer.  Luckily, her cancer stage and type did not require chemotherapy, just surgery and radiation.  Surgery was fine, but as anyone that has undergone radiation therapy knows, it tends to leave painful burns...
    I’m always on the lookout for new ways to use CBD to help my patients, but this latest method was inspired by a family member in need.  This week, my mom celebrated her 76th birthday, but it also marked the end of her radiation therapy for breast cancer.  Luckily, her cancer stage and type did not require chemotherapy, just surgery and radiation.  Surgery was fine, but as anyone that has undergone radiation therapy knows, it tends to leave painful burns...

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  • It’s holiday time again! It’s holiday time again!

    It’s holiday time again!
    It’s holiday time again!  “The most wonderful stre-essfull time of the year…” While there is so much that is great and magical about the holiday season, it can also be the super-stressful.  There are a lot of powerful stress-relieving methods one can use like taking a yoga class, gardening, therapy sessions, etc.  But I want to make mention of some of my favorite quick de-stressors that only take a few minutes and can be done easily just about anywhere.  I...
    It’s holiday time again!  “The most wonderful stre-essfull time of the year…” While there is so much that is great and magical about the holiday season, it can also be the super-stressful.  There are a lot of powerful stress-relieving methods one can use like taking a yoga class, gardening, therapy sessions, etc.  But I want to make mention of some of my favorite quick de-stressors that only take a few minutes and can be done easily just about anywhere.  I...

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